🕑How to filter for specific times of the day?

You can do so with the help of the day and time filter on the time series. The user can select different hours of the day at the same time. This is particularly helpful when the users want to see the behavior of areas at certain times of the day. For example:

  • Which localities see the highest number of delays from 9 AM to 12 PM?

  • Where are the most cancellations occurring in the afternoons?

How to do this?

  • First, expand the time series option.

  • Under Day And Time, click on the Day and Time Filters.

  • Here, you can pick the hours of the day and days of the week that we want to filter.

Note: The users can also choose the days of the week to understand the area patterns of that particular day of the week. For example,

  • During the weekends, where are the most cancellations occurring in the afternoons?

  • How many bookings are we getting from a particular area between 9:00 AM and 12:00 AM on Monday?

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