🔽How to view & download the list of all the values of your metrics in a particular area?

On the routes, when you hover over a route, you can see the value of the metric associated. But, when you click on it, three options appear. If you click on the first option which is SHOW ENTITIES, it allows you to see a list of all the values of your assets.

It can be used,

  • If you want to see the conversion rate of every user in that particular route.

  • If you want to see the delivery time for every user on that route.

  • If you want to see the individual delay time of all the shipments on that route.

  • If you want to see the revenue of each user on that route.

  • If you want to know who are the users or drivers on that route.

  • If you want to share a campaign with all the users on a route.

  • If you want to send a discount on all the vehicles on a route.

Last updated