Steps to integrate REST API with

You can use REST API to integrate send your data directly to the platform. Here's how it's done.

Basic Requirements

You will need the following things before you can integrate your S3 Bucket.

  1. Sample CSV or JSON file to configure the data-source

  2. Your Account API Key

Integration Steps

1. Select the type of entity you want to create.

2. In the data source selection step select REST API.

3. Get your API key, put IP Address filter, and other details for the REST API

4. Hang tight while we set up your integration and check for errors.

5. Upload a sample file to configure your data.

6. Configure the columns from your data along with their type according to our data standards.

You can read about our data standards here

7. Configure your entity and you will receive a datasource_id to send in the API request

8. Send sample Request with your Dataset ID and API key

curl --location --request POST '<>' \\
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
--header 'Cookie: __cfduid=d259823e7362c46fc2f9cc2aa9e9a6dec1603795297' \\
--data-raw '{
    "datasource_id": "raw_lkjiortry1321fdhyteqerqznvfg",
    "api_key": "5eaac9e9175a44f9b74b8ef58a1343a3",
    "data": {
            "vehicle_id": "3d2e2d70-800e-4c61-bfac-d64de3277dae",
            "time_scope": 2020-01-17 00: 00: 20,
            "vehicle_status": "idle",
            "lat": 13.0379399,
            "lon": 77.66190,
            "vehicle_condition": "ON"

Last updated