Publishing Workflows

In Locale, workflows have two states: draft and published. This distinction helps you manage your workflows effectively, ensuring that changes are thoroughly tested before being deployed into production.

Workflow States

Draft State

  • Creation and Editing: When a user creates a workflow, it is initially saved on the server as a draft. As you make changes to the workflow, these modifications are saved in the draft state.
  • Reverting Changes: While editing the draft, users can revert any changes to match the most recent published version. This feature allows you to discard unwanted changes and start afresh from the last stable version.

Published State

  • Publishing Workflows: Once the user finalizes and publishes the workflow, the server creates a published version. This published version is treated as the production version of the workflow.
  • Syncing Changes: Changes made to the draft workflow are only applied to the published workflow when the user explicitly publishes the draft. This ensures that only tested and verified changes are deployed to production.
  • Accessing Published State: Users can access the published state by clicking on the draft badge in the top bar of the workflow editor and selecting "Revert Changes".

Workflow Management

Creating a Workflow

  1. Start with a Draft: Begin by creating a new workflow, which is automatically saved as a draft.
  2. Make Changes: As you build and refine your workflow, all changes are saved in the draft state.

Publishing a Workflow

  1. Finalize Changes: Review and test your workflow in the draft state to ensure it meets your requirements.
  2. Publish: Once satisfied, publish the workflow. This action creates a published version on the server, making it the active production workflow.

Reverting to Published Version

  1. Reverting Changes: If you need to revert your draft to the published version, click on the draft badge located in the top bar of the workflow editor and select "Revert Changes".

Example Workflow Publishing Process

  1. Draft Creation: You create a new workflow for automating customer feedback collection.
  2. Editing Draft: You add nodes to collect feedback, analyze responses, and update a database. These changes are saved in the draft state.
  3. Testing Draft: You test the workflow to ensure it collects and processes feedback correctly.
  4. Publishing Workflow: Satisfied with the tests, you publish the workflow. This action makes the feedback automation live in production.
  5. Further Edits: Later, you decide to enhance the workflow by adding a notification system. These changes are made in the draft.
  6. Reverting if Needed: If the changes do not work as expected, you can revert the draft to the previously published version and start over.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with publishing workflows in Locale, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

Managing workflows in Locale involves working with both draft and published states. This approach ensures that changes are thoroughly tested before being deployed to production, providing a reliable and efficient way to automate your business processes. Use the draft state to refine and test your workflows, and publish them when ready to ensure smooth and effective operation.