Delay Node

The Delay Node in Locale allows you to pause the execution of your workflow for a defined duration. This feature is particularly useful for scheduling tasks, spreading out actions over time, and ensuring that certain processes occur at the right moment.

Key Features

  • Pause Execution: Temporarily halt the workflow for a specified period.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Define delays in various formats, including seconds, minutes, and hours.
  • Time-Based Control: Use delays to control the timing of actions within your workflow.

How to Use the Delay Node

Adding the Node

  1. Drag and Drop: Add the Delay Node to your workflow by dragging it from the node palette to the workflow canvas.
  2. Configure Delay: Click on the node to open the configuration panel where you can set the delay parameters.

Configuring the Delay

  1. Delay Duration: Specify the delay duration in seconds, minutes, or hours. For example, you can set a delay of 10 minutes.

Example Configuration

  • Delay Duration: 10 minutes

Example Workflow

Let's consider an example where you want to send follow-up emails to customers 24 hours after they receive their initial email:

  1. Trigger Node: An initial email is sent to a customer.
  2. Delay Node: Add a Delay Node to pause the workflow for 24 hours.
  3. Action Node: After the delay, send a follow-up email to the customer.

Step-by-Step Setup

  1. Initial Email Sent: Connect the trigger node that indicates an initial email has been sent.
  2. Add Delay: Configure the Delay Node to pause for 24 hours (1440 minutes).
  3. Follow-Up Email: Connect the Delay Node to the action node that sends the follow-up email.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with using the Delay Node, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

The Delay Node is an essential tool for adding pauses within your workflows, allowing you to control the timing of actions and ensure that processes occur at the right moments. By configuring delays, you can create more efficient and responsive workflows that meet your specific scheduling needs.