Building a Workflow in Locale

Getting Started

Creating workflows in Locale is a straightforward process that helps automate and streamline your business operations. Here's a quick guide to get you started.

Step 1: Log In to Your Account

Ensure you are logged in to your Locale account. If you don't have an account, sign up and log in to access the workflow building features.

Step 2: Access the Workflows Page

Navigate to the workflows page from your dashboard.

Step 3: Create a New Workflow

Click the "Create Workflow" button located at the top right corner of the workflows page to start building your new workflow.

Step 4: Define Your Workflow

  1. Add a Trigger: Choose a trigger to start your workflow. This could be an instant trigger (event-driven) or a scheduled trigger (time-based).
  2. Add Actions: Define the actions that should follow the trigger. You can add multiple actions and configure them as needed.
  3. Use Flow Controls: Incorporate flow control nodes like conditional branches and delays to manage the flow of your workflow.
  4. Connect Nodes: Use handles to connect triggers, actions, and flow controls, ensuring a smooth data flow throughout your workflow.

Step 5: Configure Event Listening

Set up event-driven actions by configuring nodes to listen for specific events, enabling human-in-the-loop processes where needed.

Step 6: Test and Deploy

Test your workflow to ensure it operates as expected. Once satisfied, deploy the workflow to automate your tasks.

Learn more concepts

  • Nodes and handles
  • Padding data between nodes
  • Draft and Published states
  • Debugging nodes in a workflow
  • Publishing a workflow

Need More Help?

For more detailed instructions on each concept, refer to our comprehensive guides on triggers, actions, nodes, and handles. If you have any questions or need assistance, visit our Help Center or contact our support team at

By following these simple steps, you can quickly build powerful workflows in Locale to automate and enhance your business processes. Start creating your workflows today!