Conditional Branching

The Conditional Branching Node in Locale allows you to control the flow of execution within your workflows by defining different conditions. This powerful feature enables you to create dynamic and adaptable workflows that can handle various scenarios and data inputs.

Key Features

  • Define Conditions: Users can define multiple conditions to control the execution flow.
  • Create Branches: For each condition, an output handle is created, allowing you to design sub-flows based on specific criteria.
  • Dynamic Workflows: Enhance your workflows by making them adaptable to different situations and inputs.

How to Use the Conditional Branching Node

Adding the Node

  1. Drag and Drop: Add the Conditional Branching Node to your workflow by dragging it from the node palette to the workflow canvas or click on Add Action and choose If condition.
  2. Configure Conditions: Click on the node to open the configuration panel where you can define your conditions.

Defining Conditions

  1. Add Condition: Click on "Add Condition" to create a new condition.
  2. Set Criteria: Define the criteria for the condition using the available fields. For example, you can set a condition based on a specific value in the incoming data.
  3. Multiple Conditions: Add as many conditions as needed. Each condition will have its own output handle.

Creating Branches

  1. Output Handles: For each defined condition, an output handle will be created.
  2. Sub-Flows: Connect the output handles to other nodes to create sub-flows. Each sub-flow will execute only if its corresponding condition is met.

Example Workflow

Let's consider an example where you want to process customer feedback differently based on the rating provided:

  1. Trigger Node: A new feedback entry is received.
  2. Conditional Branching Node: Add conditions to check the rating:
    • Condition 1: If the rating is 5 (excellent).
    • Condition 2: If the rating is 3-4 (average).
    • Condition 3: If the rating is 1-2 (poor).
  3. Branches:
    • Excellent Rating: Send a thank-you email and ask for a testimonial.
    • Average Rating: Send a follow-up email to ask for more details about their experience.
    • Poor Rating: Notify the support team to address the issue immediately.

Example Configuration

  • Condition 1: {{ feedback.rating }} == 5
  • Condition 2: {{ feedback.rating }} >= 3 && {{ feedback.rating }} <= 4
  • Condition 3: {{ feedback.rating }} <= 2

Connect each condition's output handle to the respective sub-flow nodes.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with using the Conditional Branching Node, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

The Conditional Branching Node is a versatile and powerful tool that enables you to create dynamic and responsive workflows. By defining multiple conditions and creating branches, you can ensure that your workflows handle various scenarios efficiently, improving automation and decision-making processes.