The HTTP App is a built-in app provided by Locale, designed to help users create workflows that interact with external systems. It contains both a trigger and an action, enabling versatile integration capabilities.


Incoming HTTP Webhooks

The "Incoming HTTP Webhooks" trigger allows you to start a workflow in Locale when data is sent to a specific endpoint provided by Locale. This is particularly useful for integrating with external systems that can send data via HTTP POST requests.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Trigger: Add the "Incoming HTTP Webhooks" trigger to your workflow.
  2. Get the Endpoint: Locale will provide an endpoint URL that you can use to send data.
  3. Send Data: Configure your external system to send a POST request with the required data to the provided endpoint.


  1. Add Trigger: Drag and drop the "Incoming HTTP Webhooks" trigger into your workflow canvas.
  2. Copy Endpoint: Copy the endpoint URL provided by Locale.
  3. Send Request: Set up your external system to send a POST request to the endpoint. For example, you can use a tool like Postman or configure your application to send the data.

Sample Data Payload

    "name": "John Doe",
    "email": "",
    "message": "Hello, Locale!"


Make API Request

The "Make API Request" action allows you to send HTTP requests to external APIs from within your workflow. This can be used to fetch data, update records, or trigger actions in external systems based on data from other nodes in your workflow.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Action: Add the "Make API Request" action to your workflow.
  2. Configure the Request: Specify the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), the URL of the external API, and any required headers and body data.
  3. Map Data: Use data from previous nodes to populate the request body or URL parameters.


  1. Add Action: Drag and drop the "Make API Request" action into your workflow canvas.
  2. Configure Request: Set the HTTP method to POST, enter the API URL, and add any necessary headers (e.g., Content-Type: application/json).
  3. Map Data: Use JSON notation to include data from previous nodes in the request body. For example, you can send a user’s email from a previous node like this:
    "email": "{{ }}",
    "message": "Welcome to Locale!"

Sample API Request

  • Method: POST
  • URL:
  • Headers:
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": "Bearer your_api_token"
  • Body:
        "email": "{{ }}",
        "message": "Welcome to Locale!"

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with using the HTTP App in Locale, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

The HTTP App in Locale is a versatile tool for integrating with external systems. By using the "Catch Incoming Webhooks" trigger and the "Make API Request" action, you can create dynamic workflows that interact seamlessly with a wide range of external APIs and services.