
The Email App is a built-in app provided by Locale that helps users send emails to recipients directly from their workflows. This app offers a single action designed to facilitate email communication with ease.


Send Email

The "Send Email" action allows you to send emails to specified recipients. You can use static email addresses, comma-separated values, or dynamic data variables to populate the recipient list. Additionally, you can customize the subject and body of the email, choosing between plain text or custom HTML formats.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Action: Add the "Send Email" action to your workflow.
  2. Configure Recipients: Enter the email addresses of the recipients. You can use static addresses or data variables to include addresses from previous nodes.
  3. Set Subject: Define the subject of the email.
  4. Compose Body: Choose the body type (plain text or HTML) and compose the email content.


  1. Add Action: Drag and drop the "Send Email" action into your workflow canvas.
  2. Configure Recipients: Enter email addresses separated by commas, or use data variables to include dynamic addresses. For example:, {{ }}, {{ }}
  3. Set Subject: Define the subject of the email. For example:
    Welcome to Locale!
  4. Compose Body:
    • Plain Text:
      Hi {{ }},
      Welcome to Locale! We're excited to have you on board.
      Best regards,
      The Locale Team
    • Custom HTML:
        <h1>Hi {{ }},</h1>
        <p>Welcome to <strong>Locale</strong>! We're excited to have you on board.</p>
        <p>Best regards,<br>The Locale Team</p>

Sample Configuration

  • Recipients: {{ }}, {{ }}
  • Subject: Welcome to Locale!
  • Body Type: Plain Text or Custom HTML
  • Body:
    Hi {{ }},
    Welcome to Locale! We're excited to have you on board.
    Best regards,
    The Locale Team

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with using the Email App in Locale, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

The Email App in Locale is a straightforward and powerful tool for sending emails directly from your workflows. By using the "Send Email" action, you can automate email communication, ensuring timely and personalized messages to your recipients.