
The Slack integration in Locale allows users to connect their Slack accounts to Locale, enabling seamless communication and automation within Slack. This integration provides various actions to interact with Slack channels and users, enhancing workflow capabilities.

Connecting Slack to Locale

To connect your Slack account to Locale, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Integrations: Go to the integrations section in Locale.
  2. Select Slack: Choose Slack from the list of available integrations.
  3. Authenticate: Follow the prompts to authenticate and authorize Locale to access your Slack account.


Send Slack Message to Channel

The "Send Slack Message to Channel" action allows you to send messages to a specific Slack channel. You can configure buttons within the messages to listen for user clicks and execute subsequent flows.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Action: Add the "Send Slack Message to Channel" action to your workflow.
  2. Configure Message: Specify the channel, message content, and optional buttons.
  3. Enable On Reply Event (optional): Enable this option to listen for replies to the message and trigger additional actions or flows.

Example Configuration

  • Channel: #general
  • Message Content: Hello team, please review the latest updates.
  • Buttons: Approve, Decline
  • Enable On Reply Event: Yes

Send Slack Message to User

The "Send Slack Message to User" action allows you to send direct messages to a specific Slack user. Similar to channel messages, you can configure buttons within the messages to listen for user clicks.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Action: Add the "Send Slack Message to User" action to your workflow.
  2. Configure Message: Specify the user, message content, and optional buttons.
  3. Enable On Reply Event (optional): Enable this option to listen for replies to the message and trigger additional actions or flows.

Example Configuration

  • User: @john.doe
  • Message Content: Hi John, please review the attached document.
  • Buttons: Reviewed, Need Changes
  • Enable On Reply Event: Yes

Send Slack Message to Thread

The "Send Slack Message to Thread" action allows you to send messages as replies to a specific thread in Slack. You can use the message ID from previous actions to specify the thread to reply to.

How to Use

  1. Set Up the Action: Add the "Send Slack Message to Thread" action to your workflow.
  2. Configure Message: Specify the thread (using the message ID), message content, and optional buttons.

Example Configuration

  • Thread: {{ }}
  • Message Content: Thank you for your feedback!

Sub-Events and Button Clicks

Locale listens to specific sub-events in Slack messages, allowing users to configure buttons in both channel and user messages. These buttons can trigger subsequent flows based on user clicks.

Example Sub-Event Configuration

  1. Add Buttons: When configuring a message, add buttons like Approve or Decline.
  2. Handle Button Clicks: Define the actions or flows that should be triggered when a button is clicked.

Listening to Replies

Users can enable the "on reply" event while configuring channel and user messages to listen for replies to the message and execute additional actions or workflows based on the replies.

Example Workflow

  1. Send Message to Channel: Send a message to a Slack channel with buttons for approval.
  2. Listen for Button Clicks: Configure the workflow to handle clicks on the Approve and Decline buttons.
  3. Send Follow-Up Message: Based on the button clicked, send a follow-up message to the thread.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance with using the Slack integration in Locale, our support team is here to help. Visit our Help Center or contact us directly at

The Slack integration in Locale provides powerful actions for sending messages to channels, users, and threads. By configuring buttons and listening for replies, you can create interactive and dynamic workflows that enhance communication and automation within Slack.